
Schottky diodes boost efficiency in switch power designs

30th May 2023
Mick Elliott

Vishay’s Gen 3 650 V silicon carbide Schottky diodes feature a merged PIN Schottky (MPS) design.

They are in stock at distributor Digi-Key.

The diodes combine high surge current robustness with low forward voltage drop, capacitive charge, and reverse leakage current to increase efficiency and reliability in switch power designs.

These devices’ MPS structure features a backside thinned via laser annealing technology, reducing their forward voltage drop by 0.3 V compared to previous-generation solutions. Additionally, their forward voltage drop times the capacitive charge is 17% lower. The diodes’ reverse leakage current is typically 30% lower at room temperature and 70% lower at high temperatures than the closest competing solution.

This reduces conduction losses to ensure high system efficiency during light loads and idling. The Gen 3 devices also have virtually no recovery tail, further improving efficiency. The SiC devices offer higher thermal conductivity, lower reverse current, and shorter reverse recovery times than silicon diodes with comparable breakdown voltage.

They are available in TO-22OAC 2L and TO-247AD 3L through-hole and D2PAK 2L (TO-263AB 2L) surface-mount packages.

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