
Eight tech skills you need to learn for future careers

20th October 2022
Paige West

Tech skills, or technical skills, are essential for every job. However, the tech skills you need vary from industry to industry and job to job. Writer Ashley Nielsen further explores.

For example, an electrician may need to learn how to fix a blackout if they're working for an electrical company. Meanwhile, a doctor may have to learn different telemedicine software to communicate effectively with patients. Ultimately, everyone needs a few basic tech skills to successfully perform their job's tasks. These practical technical skills allow you to perform your job duties and are a necessity for almost every business.

Of course, those in the tech industry will need different skills than someone working in retail or marketing, but everyone should know the basics. If you're looking for a career or in school, you might be wondering what tech skills can help you succeed in your future career. Or, if you're looking to change careers, you might consider going back to school to learn different tech skills for a better job. Check out these tech skills you need to learn for future careers:

1. Basic tech skills

No matter which industry you work in, everyone needs a few basic tech skills to be successful. These basic skills will be required in almost any workplace:

  • Emailing
  • Digital conferencing
  • Word processing
  • Spreadsheets
  • Social media

If you're part of a younger generation, you've already had these skills for years because you grew up with technologies like instant messaging and email. However, they're still relevant in the workplace, so it's a good idea to brush up on any skills you may not use anymore, such as using spreadsheets, to ensure you can effectively perform your future tasks.

2. Cybersecurity

If you want a rewarding career in IT, consider learning more about cybersecurity and the protection of systems, networks, and programs. Cyber-attacks are on the rise, especially as hackers get savvier. However, the right security measures can prevent breaches from keeping your company and its customers safe from theft. Cybersecurity is the foundation of IT systems, and this technical skill is on the rise, projected to continue growing annually, thanks to e-commerce platforms, AI, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

3. Blockchain

While blockchain is typically referenced when talking about cryptocurrency. However, blockchain is a technology that allows you to record transactions and exchanges in a network, so while it's an important part of cryptocurrency investing, it may also benefit other areas of our lives where transparency and traceability can improve processes.

Blockchain is still relatively new, but more and more institutions are interested in using it, so the market is projected to increase in the coming years. Blockchain is a growing field, and as cryptocurrency regulation talks continue, the market will only continue to rise.

4. Augmented reality and virtual reality

Augmented Reality (AR) utilises digital elements in a physical environment, while Virtual Reality (VR) puts the user in an entirely different environment, completely immersing them. These concepts are commonly used in video game design, but they've become more popular over the years, with many tech industry giants utilising them in different ways, leading to the creation of the metaverse.

5. UI/UX design

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are technically two different fields but are often confused as being the same. User experience encompasses every part of a person's experience with a product or brand, from their interactions with a company to how they use a product or service. Meanwhile, the user interface is where this interaction occurs. For example, with a website, the user interface is the website design, including screens, buttons, icons, and visual elements. Meanwhile, UX is the interaction a visitor has with the website. Designers in both fields are important, especially in the digital world, where usability and experience are crucial to a business's success.

6. Project management

Project management is important for all businesses. Without effective project management, you wouldn't be able to track your employees' efforts or make deadlines. Unfortunately, there aren't enough project managers available for hire that know methodologies like Agile and Scrum that can improve your development efforts while planning, forecasting, and budgeting for projects of all types.

7. Cloud computing

Cloud computing professionals can make hundreds of thousands of dollars every year because they're in high demand. Cloud computing skills include the ability to work with existing platforms, including MS Azure and Google Cloud, while following coding languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. Cloud computing services, including servers, storage, software, analytics, networking, and database, are managed by cloud service providers (CSPs) and used by organisations to operate at lower costs. With cloud computing skills, you can work in four markets, including:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Serverless Computing
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

In addition, the market is projected to grow over the next decade with a steady increase in cloud computing jobs.

8. Digital marketing

Digital marketing isn't new, but it's becoming increasingly essential for all businesses to have a digital marketing team to grow their online presence. Since individuals spend more time online than ever before, digital marketing is a required skill for anyone looking to work in communications. Employers hiring for digital marketing jobs will look for skills including:

  • Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Data-driven approaches
  • E-commerce marketing
  • Digital ads
  • Social media marketing
  • Marketing automation
  • Copywriting
  • Analytics

The digital marketing software market continues to grow, and employers must hire quality talent that can effectively use automation software to increase leads and sales.

Final thoughts

There are many different technical skills you can develop for future careers. However, the types of skills you must learn depend on your field. For example, nurses must learn different technical skills than digital marketing specialists. Therefore, you should always do your research to ensure you know what skills you need to develop to get your dream job. Learning as many skills as possible to help you get a job in your desired field can help you beat out the competition vying for the same position.

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer who loves to share knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness, and financial tips. During her free time, she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music.

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