Test & Measurement

AS9100D certification achieved by innovative test solutions provider

11th July 2018
Alex Lynn

It has been announced that Marvin Test Solutions, provider of innovative test solutions for military, aerospace, and manufacturing, has received the Certificate of Registration to AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 through the International Standards Authority (ISA). 

The scope of the certification includes the ‘Design, development, and manufacture of aerospace test and measurement equipment and solutions employed in the functional test arena for military, aerospace, and manufacturing organisations’.

The AS9100D standard builds on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and adds additional requirements unique to the aerospace industry, defining objectives for Quality Management Systems (QMS) including product quality, conformity to customer and regulatory requirements, and risk management. 

Major General Stephen T. Sergeant, USAF, CEO of Marvin Test Solutions, stated: “We’re proud to have achieved this AS9100D certification. It was truly a team effort by MTS and demonstrates our company-wide commitment to delivering test solutions that meet and exceed our customers’ requirements for quality, performance, and ease of use.”

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