
$99 Raspberry Pi desktop computer was developed for makers

10th November 2015
Nicolette Emmino


Hobbyists and makers have come up with some innovative ways to implement the computer into devices: from home automation products to beer brewing systems. This Raspberry-pi powered computer was designed with makers in mind.

There are so many different Raspberry Pi inventions today ever since the release of the credit-card sized single board computer in 2012.

Hobbyists and makers have come up with some innovative ways to implement the computer into devices: from home automation products to beer brewing systems.

Now, a company called Pi-Top has built its own Raspberry-pi driven desktop computer called Pi-TopCEED, and anyone can get their hands on it for $99.

Once users plug in the Pi-TopCEED, they gain access to a plethora of maker resources like the company’s maker-geared operating system called pi-topOS which includes CEED Universe, Scratch, 3D Slash, and Minecraft. The Pi-top makers wanted beginners of all ages to be able to create their own products and ideas so they put together this computer that they say will help fine-tune the skills you need to build and code hardware.

The Pi-TopCEED lets you design your own components and products, collaborate on projects, contribute and help others through CEEDuniverse (the educational Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), as well as share your work with others.

It can also be used as a regular desktop that can be used for work or to browse the Internet.

Each Pi-top computer comes with a 13.3” HD LCD screen with eDP interface, a keyboard that’s programmable via USB, Pi-Top Hub PCB, and a Raspberry Pi 2.

The company hopes to raise $50,000 over the next 30 days for Pi-TopCEED on crowdfunding site Indiegogo. You can pre-order one now for $99 with expected shipping in April 2016.

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