Test & Measurement

PicoScope 6000E Oscilloscopes with 5GSa/s sampling rate

27th May 2020
Alex Lynn

Saelig Company has introduced the 4-channel PicoScope 6000E Series 500MHz Oscilloscopes, which provide eight to 12 bits of vertical resolution, and up to 5GSa/s sampling rate with 4GSa memory, allowing these scopes to display single-shot pulses with 200ps time resolution.

The three 4-channel models added to the existing 8-channel 6000 series are the PicoScope 6403E with 300MHz bandwidth and 8-bit A/D resolution, the PicoScope 6404E with 500MHz bandwidth and 8-bit A/D resolution, and the PicoScope 6424E with eight, ten, or 12 bits ‘FlexRes’ resolution. The screen update rate is a remarkable 300,000 waveforms per second.

All models can operate with an extra four bits of resolution with the enhanced vertical resolution software feature - a digital signal processing technique built into PicoScope 6. Additionally, these oscilloscopes offer eight or 16 optional digital channels when using the plug-in TA369 MSO pods, enabling accurate time-correlation of analog and digital channels. 

All 6000E models include a 14-bit 200MS/s 50MHz arbitrary waveform generator (AWG). Its variable sample clock avoids the jitter on waveform edges seen with fixed-clock generators and allows generation of accurate frequencies down to 100μHz.

waveforms can be created or edited using the built-in editor, imported from oscilloscope traces, loaded from a spreadsheet or exported to a .csv file.  The SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface and hardware acceleration ensure that the display is smooth and responsive even with long captures.  The free PicoScope 6 software includes decoders for over 20 serial protocols.

With up to a million points, PicoScope's FFT spectrum display has excellent frequency resolution and a low noise floor. A click of a button will display a spectrum plot of the active channels, with a maximum frequency of up to 500MHz. 

Using a 4K monitor attached to the controlling PC, PicoScope 6 software can display more than ten times the information of ordinary oscilloscopes.  PicoScope software also supports dual monitors, allowing instrument control and waveforms displayed on one, and large data sets from serial protocol decoders or DeepMeasure results on the second monitor. 

An optional Pico Oscilloscope Probe Positioning System holds a test board firmly, as well as positioning probes hands-free for up to eight probes simultaneously. Probes with compression tips make contact with points of interest on a PCB and remain in contact while measurements are taken with PicoScope software. 

The 6000E's 4 four or eight analog channels have the timing and amplitude resolution needed to reveal signal integrity challenges such as glitches, runts, dropouts, noise, distortion and ringing. This series gives the waveform memory, resolution and analysis tools needed to test today's high-performance embedded computers and next-generation embedded system designs. 

The 6000E oscilloscopes are ideal for design engineers working with signal processing, power electronics, mechatronics, and automotive designs, and for researchers and scientists working on multi-channel high-performance experiments in physics labs, particle accelerators, and similar facilities. Supported by the PicoScope 6 software, these devices offer an ideal, cost-effective package for design, research, test, education, service, and repair.

The compact design of the PicoScope 6000E (9.7x7.6x2.5“) means that it fits easily on any workbench, whether in the laboratory or at home. Made by Pico Technology, Europe's award-winning test and measurement manufacturer, all of the PicoScope 6000E oscilloscopes are available now from Saelig Company, Inc. their USA technical distributor.

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