
JK Lasers Release High Power Fiber Laser

5th October 2011
ES Admin
JK Lasers has enhanced its product portfolio with the introduction of a high powered 1kW fiber laser, capable of providing exceptional levels of power and control for a wide range of industrial cutting, welding and drilling applications.
In addition to single-way delivery, the JK1000FL, developed at JK Lasers’ UK headquarters in Rugby, can incorporate up to four fibres. This offers an additional range of flexible delivery options, including beam-switch time-share, which maximises productivity by eliminating system load and unload times, and energy sharing that can help avoid the distortion of sensitive components by enabling users to simultaneously weld at multiple locations onto one part.

The JK1000FL also retains key benefits from the company’s successful lower power models, such as excellent beam quality, integrated FiberView software, fast modulation, pulse shaping and an extensive range of processing tools. These include the JK Scan Head system which tightly integrates dedicated positioning software and a high accuracy scanner with the laser.

Mark Richmond, Product Manager for JK Lasers, said: “Offering unrivalled levels of flexibility, the JK1000FL is an important addition to the JK Lasers range. When coupled with sample processing within our customer-focused applications laboratories, JK Lasers continues to ensure the evolving demands of manufacturers are met, if not surpassed.”

The JK1000FL will be showcased in the USA at the Medical Design and Manufacturing (MD&M) Conference, Chicago (20 – 22 September), and the LIA's Lasers for Manufacturing Event (LME), Illinois (27 & 28 September). Visit booth 2157 at the MD&M Conference and booth 4094 at the LME to meet the JK Lasers team and to see the JK1000FL up close.

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