Displaying 81 - 83 of 83
17th February 2022
The metaverse at first glance
Everyone is talking about the metaverse and what it may bring. A report by Dell Technologies has suggested that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet. Statistics such as this may worry recent graduates that fret their newly-acquired degrees are void of use as they can’t learn skills which are not yet even in existence.
Artificial Intelligence
25th November 2021
Making the metaverse: hardware hurdles
The metaverse promises a step-change in how society communicates but, without the hardware technology, will ultimately remain a pipe dream.
29th October 2021
Credersi World: innovating the education metaverse
Two tech companies are leading the race to innovate the global education metaverse with their own science and tech campus, Credersi World, using a mixed reality platform that includes VR and augmented reality AR.