Cyber Security
Acquisition to expand cyber threat hunting platform
An agreement has been signed by F-Secure to acquire all the outstanding shares of MWR InfoSecurity, a cyber security company. The acquisition is a milestone in the execution of F-Secure’s growth strategy, and makes it a large European single source of cyber security services and detection and response solutions.
Trust in smart energy enhanced with end-to-end security solution
With the introduction of an end-to-end security solution which protects the entire ecosystem, Gemalto is strengthening trust in the smart energy sector. Deployed by smart meter makers and distribution systems operators, the offer provides connectivity solutions, secure digital identities and security lifecycle management for the long life of smart meters, as threats and stakeholders evolve over time. The solution protects connected energy assets ...
Chip combines latest digital-security features
A chip, released by the semiconductor manufacturer STMicroelectronics, has brought together the latest digital security techniques in a single chip to protect smart things and networks including those for utility infrastructure against cyber threats.
Cyber security considerations when retrofitting a system
In 1982, long before a cyber security threat to control system networks was widely recognised, a Trojan horse attack on control system software reportedly caused a huge explosion in a Siberian gas pipeline. Even now, many systems that have been retrofitted for compatibility with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are not well protected.
Have you suffered a data breach in the last year?
A recent survey from SailPoint Technologies Holdings released at Infosecurity Europe illustrates the ongoing struggle that IT leaders have addressing frequent attacks from cyber criminals. The survey, conducted by research company Vanson Bourne, asked 400 IT decision-makers in the US, the UK and France to quantify both the number of data breaches experienced in the last 12 months and the resulting financial damage.
C-level executives are the weakest cyber security link
Research from by the cyber resiliency expert Mimecast has revealed that around 40% of IT decision makers say that the C-level executives are the weakest link in their organisations’ cyber security operation.
Partnership to create solutions for secure digital identification
G+D Mobile Security and IDnow had entered into a partnership to combine expertise and resources with the aim to develop AI-driven biometric and security technologies. A first result of this cooperation is the development of a fully automatic remote identification solution for international markets.
Network design guide helps companies realise the promise of IIoT
Whether it involves an operator checking quality on an iPad or executives comparing multisite production, mobile and cloud connectivity are the new normal in industrial operations. However, cyber attacks can take advantage of these new connections to steal product recipes or take control of a site.
Anti-theft sticker protects your valuables without revealing their location
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Streamr have developed a prototype adhesive ID tag based on blockchain technology, which enables valuable goods to be protected without revealing their location. Possible applications include electronics, jewellery and caviar. The tag developed by Streamr and VTT is based on a smart contract, using blockchain technology, between the owner of the goods and the transport company.
Children are putting their data at risk on social media
Social media platforms are coming under increased scrutiny, when it comes to putting safeguards in place to protect children who use social media sites. However, research conducted by Censuswide on behalf of Equifax, the consumer data information expert, reveals that 30% of children aged between 8 and 16 years old use chat rooms and online forums, raising concerns about who they are talking to and the type of information they are sharing.