Artificial Intelligence

Virtual Road Traffic with ASM Traffic 3.0

26th June 2014
Jacqueline Regnier

dSPACE has extended its simulation model for traffic and environment simulations to support the development and testing of advanced driver assistance systems.  dSPACE ASM Traffic 3.0, part of the Automotive Simulation Models (ASM) library, has all the features necessary for using simulation to test active safety systems - such as autonomous emergency braking and emergency steering assistance.  Engineers using this technology can verify and demonstrate ADAS capabilities early in the development phases.

With the ASMs, developers can simulate a test vehicle, urban and rural road networks, a large number of fellow vehicles, and environmental objects such as pedestrians and traffic signs.  Virtual sensors mounted on the simulated test vehicle detect the objects in the simulated environment and signal ADAS to take appropriate action.  The simulated collision risk scenarios can be used regressively to test the functionality of active safety and driver assistance systems.

Euro NCAP Test Suite

Used in conjunction with AutomationDesk, the dSPACE test automation software, ASM Traffic provides a series of ready-to-use tests for active safety functions according to the European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) protocol.  The objective of these tests is to prove that the reaction time and deceleration of the vehicle under test is sufficient to avoid or mitigate a potential collision.  The dSPACE Euro NCAP test suite, upon execution, provides information about active vehicle safety ratings that Euro NCAP may award for collision mitigation in vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pedestrian constellations.

User Interface and Real-Time Model

ASM Traffic consists of a real-time-capable simulation model and a graphical user interface for defining the necessary components, such as road networks, traffic signs, vehicles and sensors.  Engineers can also easily import road information from other mapping an simulation tools.  ASM Traffic give ADAS development engineers unparalleled, flexible options for real-time simulation of traffic scenarios.


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