- Filtronic House 3 Airport West Lancaster Way Yeadon Leeds West Yorkshire
LS19 7ZA
United Kingdom - +44 113 220 0000
Filtronic Articles
Automating wedge bonding for complex wire components
Further automating investment increases accuracy and offers cost-saving benefits.
Filtronic adds engineers, opens new design centre
RF-to-mmWave components and subsystems specialist Filtronic has added additional engineers to extend the capabilities of both its design team and its process engineering team.
Filtronic at European Microwave Week 2022
Filtronic arrived at European Microwave Week in Milan brandishing a high-power E-band transceiver for 5G XHaul applications. Dan Rhodes, Director of Business Development at Filtronic describes the features of the new device, including its compact form factor and reconfigurable architecture to Mick Elliott, Editor at Electronic Specifier.
E-band transceiver targets 5G XHaul applications
Filtronic launched Morpheus X2, the latest generation of its market-leading E-band transceiver for carrier-grade applications in 5G backhaul, midhaul and fronthaul – collectively known as XHaul at European Microwave Week in Milan (September 27-28).
North east firms collaborate in advanced materials group
The North East Advanced Materials Electronics (NEAME) cluster group has been launched today (July 27).
Israeli deal extends Filtronic’s reach
Filtronic has signed a sales representative agreement with Israel-based Ormic Components.
Extended E-band amplifiers range unveiled at EuMW
Filtronic announced the availability of the extended Cerus range of high-power E-band amplifiers at European Microwave Week (EuMW) in London.
Tower Top Amplifier tops expectations for Tier 1 US OEM
Filtronic says it has successfully developed a customised Tower Top Amplifier (TTA) system for a public safety OEM in the USA.
Tower Top Amplifier system comes with smart redundancy
A range of Tower Top Amplifier (TTA) systems designed for use in two-way radio networks, particularly for public safety systems such as P25 has been announced by Filtronic.
Filtronic clinches advanced mmWave contracts
Filtronic has won contracts for two separate advanced mmWave design and developments that have strategic importance for the Company and its technology roadmap.
Filtronic spends $1.5m to meet E-band module demand
Filtronic has invested over $1.3 million in new equipment for its manufacturing facility to meet a growing demand for both its highly-integrated E-band transceiver modules for mobile telecoms backhaul infrastructure and its precision hybrid microelectronics assembly and test services, including mmWave device packaging and sub-assembly manufacturing.