Test & Measurement

Flash programmer upgrade shortens verification times

21st October 2021
Mick Elliott

An enhanced version of XJFlash, its ultra-fast in-system flash programmer has been released by XJTAG.

The programmer uses the JTAG interface to connect to the target board.

The software already provides rapid erase and programming, but by adding compression to its data transfer algorithm, the verify times are now also shorter—256 Mbit can now be verified in 5.4 seconds, depending on the circuit.

Combining this with its rapid erase and program cycles makes XJFlash significantly faster than other programmers.

XJFlash can be used for Xilinx ZynqUltraScale+ and Zynq-7000 SPI flash programming, as well as with a wide range of FPGAs from Intel/Altera, Lattice, and Microsemi/Actel.

Production lines benefit from XJFlash’s rapid erase cycle: repaired boards can be passed down the line along with new ones without wasting time erasing already-empty memories.

XJFlash checks the existing contents, only erasing blocks it finds aren’t empty—XJFlash can take an empty 256 Mbit flash through the erase step in under 4s, a potential saving of up to 94%. That can give very significant time savings over erasing every board passing down the line.

The latest version of XJFlash can program and verify a 256 Mbit flash in 42 s, and only needs 7 s for a 32 Mbit device (all figures dependent on the circuit implementation).

XJFlash can be used as part of an XJRunner boundary scan test project without needing an additional licence, or it can be used for a separate programming-only stage.

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