
Episode #4 - The impact of COVID-19 on the electronics sector

23rd March 2020
Joe Bush

Recent events around COVID-19 have left us all uncertain of what the future holds, and critically, what the world will look like when it's all over.

The coronavirus pandemic has rapidly shifted from being a mild inconvenience to something that is dominating our every waking moment - particularly given the UK Government's decision over the last 48 hours to close all pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants.

In last month’s issue of Electronic Specifier Design magazine, we spoke about the cancellations, postponement, or depletion of certain trade shows around Europe. Now, less than 30 days later, those irritations seem a world away as countries begin their individual ‘lock-downs’ and we all begin to self-isolate.

In addition to global health concerns, the fall-out from restrictions placed on the public (whether they be self-imposed or otherwise), are now starting to be realised, with the travel and hospitality industries particularly at risk, and our health service under increasing strain. What we will be left with when it’s all over is a matter of some conjecture. But what of the electronics industry?

Despite the rapidly changing situation, we felt compelled to reach out to the experts in the industry to gauge opinion and glean some insight, judging the impact of the virus on electronics manufacturing, the supply chain, legalities and economic fallout.

Please see a link below to the latest Electronic Specifier Insights podcast looking at the landscape of the electronics sector and the impact COVID-19 is having upon it - with contributions from the ecsn, Mouser, Digi-Key, and many more. Click Podcast icon or search 'Electronic Specifier Insights' on your favourite audio streaming service..

In addition, due to this rapidly changing situation, be sure to check www.electronicspecifier.com for regular industry updates.

In addition, please see a link to the latest issue of Electronic Specifier Design magazine - March issue. Click here to read.

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