News & Analysis

New name for Solid State Supplies

2nd October 2023
Sheryl Miles

Solid State Supplies announces that it has rebranded.

Following a detailed and comprehensive branding exercise, the company has a new name – Solsta – a new logo, and a new look and feel to all its brand communications.

A rebrand is a big step, but the rationale behind this announcement is comprehensive, sound, and well researched.

Jon Baxter, Director of Sales and Marketing, explained: “As Solid State Supplies has grown and expanded over the years, we have made a number of acquisitions, each of which has brought us huge benefits in terms of people and capability. Our core values and strengths have remained the same, but the resulting amalgamation of companies and brands has increased the complexity of how we articulate who we are, what we do and why we are unique and different from our competitors.”

Solid State Supplies engaged with a leading branding agency and conducted an extensive branding exercise over many months, researching the market and collecting feedback from staff to capture the essence of what makes the company stand out in its field. The Solid State Supplies brand was created many years ago, and inevitably, as the world evolves, a brand can find itself in need of a style refresh to bring it up to date. 

“Our brand lies at the heart of our business – it’s what makes us unique.” said Managing Director, John Macmichael.  “Our company now offers much more than just “solid state” components, and with our wealth of value-added services, we do much more than just “supply”. We felt that the time was right for us to create a modern, distinctive, and easily recognisable brand that encompasses all that is good about our business and better represents who we are today.”

The company is keen to stress that there will be no interruption in continuity of supply or service.

“Our customers can rest assured that our core values and strengths, people, locations, suppliers, and the products and services we provide to them have not changed,” added Jon Baxter. “We continue to offer the same combination of leading-edge products, technical expertise and outstanding added value that we’ve offered for many years.”

The company continues to be registered as Solid State Supplies Ltd but will now trade as Solsta.

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