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Stuttgart hosts automotive test solutions

19th May 2019
Mick Elliott

A wide range of testing solutions that support advanced automotive applications will be showcased by Rohde & Schwarz at Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2019 in Stuttgart (May 21-23). The solutions on display cover the testing of automotive radar sensors, automotive Ethernet, 5G and cellular V2X as well as audio/video quality.

For automotive radar sensor testing, the R&S AREG100A automotive radar echo generator simulates up to four static artificial objects for reliable and simple testing of today’s state-of-the-art and tomorrow’s most advanced radar sensors.

Radar sensors and modules in the 77GHz to 81GHz bands utilising MIMO radar architecture can be tested with the R&S RTP083 oscilloscope with up to four phase-coherent channels and 8GHz bandwidth. The complete solution comprises downconverting mixers and the R&S SMA 100B signal generator as signal source and local oscillator.

Automotive Ethernet compliance testing is covered by the R&S RTO 2064 oscilloscope and the R&S VND vector network analyser. Users can carry out a fully automated compliance test for automotive Ethernet. Additionally, the oscilloscope is well suited to identify potential EMI risks.

Cellular V2X testing will be demonstrated by a combination of the R&S CMW 500 wideband radio communication tester with the R&S SMBV100B vector signal generator. This test solution is coupled with a Vector CANoe.Car2x device for repeatable testing of intelligent transport system (ITS) traffic scenarios in a controlled test environment. The setup simulates both the radio network and GNSS satellite navigation.

An infotainment video quality and user experience testing demonstration will highlight the capabilities of the R&S BTC broadcast test centre and show how to implement repeatable, fast and intuitive testing of video quality for broadcast signals and video streaming.

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