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Keynotes revealed for the Qt World Summit

15th September 2015
Jordan Mulcare

The Qt Company has started the official countdown for its first ‘Qt World Summit’ announcing the first few international speakers and keynote topics. The premier global Qt event that takes place in Berlin, Germany, 5th to 7th October 2015, will include a variety of inspiring and instructive presentations that encompass sessions focusing on various industry trends as well as in-depth technical talks. Among the confirmed presenters is Kenneth Cukier, Data Editor, The Economist.

The ‘Qt World Summit’ has evolved from the well-established ‘Qt Developer Days’ to also offer benefits for those new to the technology or simply interested in finding out more about hot themes in the industry such as the creation of connected devices and IoT systems, industrial and automotive HMI trends, multi-screen development strategies and the creation of modern desktop applications. The event will naturally also target those already familiar with Qt’s multi-platform development capabilities with in-depth technical sessions.

In line with the spirit and the objectives of the summit, Kenneth Cukier, Data Editor, The Economist and co-author of the bestselling book Big Data, has been chosen as one of the key speakers of the event. Focused on themes such as innovation and internet governance, Kenneth Cukier has spent years immersed in big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and their impact of both on data-driven technology and design. His speech will offer a high-level view on the future of application development and device creation and how data connects human interaction.

Keynotes from the creators of Qt will also look at the future. The Qt Company’s CTO, Lars Knoll will present the future roadmap of Qt, what are the challenges and how Qt will address them. He will also anticipate details of the next Qt 5.6 and Qt 5.7 releases.

The presentations from Juha Varelius, CEO and Petteri Hollander, Head of Product Management, The Qt Company, will cover how Qt is enabling connected applications and devices and what there is to come in technology. Their keynotes will address how through Qt’s large ecosystem it is possible to go beyond the usual, power innovation and create a new tomorrow. There are many industries that are looking to connect human and machine to enable a user driven experience, an extension of the human brain with technology for a seamless interaction where everything is connected.

Automotive will in fact be one of the highlights of the event, with a dedicated automotive track on Tuesday 6th October that will include seven different presentations offered by Qt speakers and key automotive industry leaders. Among the latter, Jeff Payne, CEO, OpenCar, will describe the new categories of software development tools, technologies and processes that automakers will acquire and use to build and manage each connected vehicle's user experience.

Finally, the enhanced benefits to the user experience through the development with Qt will be demonstrated through a customer success story presented by Andreas Schmid, CEO, Holoplot, and Till Adam, Director Global Sales & Marketing, KDAB. Holoplot is a patented ground-breaking technology used for high-end audio equipment and software where sound is handled like light, has in fact chosen to develop its cross-form factor remote control system with Qt through Qt’s partner KDAB resulting in a significantly improved handling experience.

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