Events News

Flux cover protects component connections

29th October 2019
Mick Elliott

The productronica 2019 exhibition in Munich (November 12-15) will provide the platform for Emil Otto to debut its Flux Cover PFS-001 developed for the surface protection of component connections.

"Our new flux cover is an aqueous, milky liquid that is used for the coating of the surfaces of component connections and provides a reliable, solderable protection", says Markus Geßner, Marketing and Sales Manager at Emil Otto.

"We have proven in various experiments, that the flux cover PFS-001 withstands among other things the gassing with sulphur dioxide (SO2). The Cu surface of the specimen showed no traces of attack. The subsequent solderability test was concluded with very good results", elaborated Geßner.

In particular with components that are difficult to wet, such as for example THT components with nickel-brass pins, the flux cover ensures for a good soldering result. The flux cover is compatible with all Emil Otto fluxing agents.

The coating of component connections should preferably be carried out by immersing the connections in the flux cover. The immersion depth for an optimal coating must be determined by the user himself. If the components are mounted immediately after the coating process, they can be processed directly. With automatic assembly subsequent drying is necessary. The following wave soldering process can be performed as usual, i.e. in general the selected parameters do not need to be altered.

If the coated parts are not to be processed immediately but stored, the coatings must be dried immediately and completely before storage.

Only this way is an adhesion of dirt or other materials prevented. Depending on the quantity of surface protection applied, from experience a drying time of 15 minutes at 120°C is adequate. Subsequent storage can take place at room temperature.

Coated components taken out of storage can be processed without any further pre-treatment.

The viscosity of the flux cover can be adjusted by the user through the addition of EO SPECIAL THINNER PFS-V / WB. The flux cover is available immediately in packaging units of 100g. Emil Otto will present the new product at productronica in Hall A4, Booth 420.

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