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EuMW 2019: 5G, satellite test solutions on parade

16th September 2019
Mick Elliott

Leading-edge test solutions for emerging 5G, satellite and signal integrity applications will be showcased by Anritsu at European Microwave Week (EuMW) in Paris (October 1-3). Also highlighted will be its vector network analyser (VNA) technology. These solutions meet the testing requirements to verify chipsets, components, and systems associated with today’s high-speed, high-frequency commercial and military applications.

In a demonstration at EuMW, Anritsu will showcase theVectorStar VNAin the microwave industry’s first broadband system that supports 70kHz to 220GHz in a single sweep.

Anritsu will also introduce a 43.5GHz frequency option for its 2- and 4-port ShockLine VNAswith guaranteed specifications using Anritsu’s new Extended-K type connectors and components.

This option creates cost-of-test and time-to-market advantages in high-frequency applications.

Visitors to Anritsu’s stand will also discover new additions to the FieldMaster Pro MS2090A a real-time spectrum analyser which delivers performance never previously available in a compact, handheld instrument.

With continuous frequency coverage from 9kHz to 54GHz, the Field Master Pro MS2090A is specifically designed to meet the test challenges of a full range of other wireless technologies in use today, including 5G, wireless backhaul, aerospace/defense, satellite systems, and radar.

On stand demonstrations featuring the MS2090A include Sub6 and Millimeter-Wave (28GHz and 39GHz) 5G NR Demodulation – including cell ID, beam ID, RSRP/RSRQ, SINR, and EVM in all 5G bands, and 3D indoor and outdoor coverage mapping for 5G New Radio.

The 100MHz portable wideband Real Time Spectrum Analyser (RTSA) will feature with probability of interception and FFT rate in a handheld Spectrum Analyser for accurate interference monitoring in the cellular bands or full ISM band. Persistence and spectrum displays help to identify and track intermittent or pulsed signals

Anritsu will discuss emerging trends during the MicroApp Seminar where they are presenting 2 papers::

-        Tuesday October 1 at 13:20: Senior Program Manager Ferdinand Gerhardes will present a seminar entitled First Field Instrument Providing 3D Indoor and Outdoor Coverage Mapping for 5G NR

-        Wednesday October 2 at 16:20: Senior Product Manager Steve Reyes will talk about Spanning 70KHz to 220GHz for Single Sweep VNA measurements Utilizing Nonlinear Transmission Line Technology

On Friday October 4, Dr. Jon Martens will present a paper entitled, Network Analyser Instrumentation and Advanced Measurements at Millimetre-wave and Terahertz Frequencies.

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