Aerospace & Defence
A detailed case for the existence of cold dark matter
A Yale-led team has produced one of the highest-resolution maps of dark matter ever created, offering a detailed case for the existence of cold dark matter - sluggish particles that comprise the bulk of matter in the universe. The dark matter map is derived from Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields data of a trio of galaxy clusters that act as cosmic magnifying glasses to peer into older, more distant parts of the universe, a phenomenon kn...
SDA and AGI to launch next gen space traffic management service
The Space Data Association (SDA) and Analytical Graphics (AGI) have entered into a long term agreement to launch an upgraded Space Data Center (SDC) Space Traffic Management (STM) service, powered by ComSpOC.
Uncovering potential health risks of travel to Mars
Sending a manned mission to Mars requires more than a powerful launch rocket. Prep work also includes learning how a three-year space flight could affect the human body. With funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), researchers at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine and colleagues are using human stem cells to measure the effects of deep space radiation.
The coolest spot in the Universe
This summer, an ice chest-sized box will fly to the International Space Station, where it will create the coolest spot in the universe. Inside that box, lasers, a vacuum chamber and an electromagnetic "knife" will be used to cancel out the energy of gas particles, slowing them until they're almost motionless. This suite of instruments is called the Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL), and was developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,...
How can simulated conditions impact spacecraft shielding
The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) spacecraft that landed the Curiosity rover on Mars endured the hottest, most turbulent atmospheric entry ever attempted in a mission to the Red Planet. The saucer-shaped MSL was protected by a thin, lightweight carbon fibre-based heat-shield material that was a bit denser than balsa wood. The same material, dubbed PICA (Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator), also protected NASA's Stardust spacecraft as it ret...
NASA and satellite company team up to explore asteroid
NASA and a Palo Alto-based satellite manufacturer are working to get a spacecraft to an asteroid before one gets to us. Asteroid exploration has become one of NASA's top goals, and Space Systems Loral will play a key role in an upcoming mission that will allow scientists to get research equipment to a unique asteroid to study its composition. It's the company's first major foray into the world of deep-space exploration.
Technique improves particle warnings and protect astronauts
Our sun sometimes erupts with bursts of light, solar material, or ultra-fast energised particles—collectively, these events contribute to space weather. In a study published in Space Weather, scientists from NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, or NCAR, in Boulder, Colorado, have shown that the warning signs of one type of space weather event can be detected tens of minutes earlier than with current forecasting techni...
A brand new 'heart' for CERN's CMS experiment
Physicists and engineers at CERN replaced the heart of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, one of the two general purpose particle physics detectors that discovered the Higgs boson in 2012. The discovery completed a missing link in the Standard Model of particle physics anticipated by several theoretical physicists in the 1960s. Built at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - the world’s largest and most powerful high-energy particle acc...
US military boosts demand for satellite communication
The US military's rising use of advanced weapons such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)/drones has given a huge boost to the market for satellite communication (SATCOMM).
IHM sensors reduce downtime for rugged applications
A range of Honeywell's patented IHM (Integrated Health Monitoring) series aerospace proximity sensors for harsh duty aircraft applications are now available in Europe through TTI. The IHM series are non-contact devices designed to sense the presence or absence of a target, providing on/off output, plus they can also be configured with an optional health monitoring output to the host system.