
University of Cambridge

  • Becky Wieczorek Festivals PR Officer Office of External Affairs and Communications University of Cambridge The Pitt Building Trumpington Street Cambridge
    CB2 1RP
    United Kingdom
  • 01223 339 670

University of Cambridge Articles

Displaying 21 - 40 of 63
26th October 2017
Skin assists in controlling blood pressure

  Skin plays a special role in helping regulate blood pressure and heart rate, according to scientists at the University of Cambridge and the Karolinska Institute, Sweden. While this discovery was made in mice, the researchers believe it is likely to be true also in humans.

24th October 2017
Machine learning can help predict earthquakes in a lab setting

  A group of researchers from the UK and the US have used machine learning techniques to successfully predict earthquakes. Although their work was performed in a laboratory setting, the experiment closely mimics real-life conditions, and the results could be used to predict the timing of a real earthquake.

24th October 2017
Traps for light with tiny ink droplets

  A microscopic 'pen' that is able to write structures small enough to trap and harness light using a commercially available printing technique could be used for sensing, biotechnology, lasers, and studying the interaction between light and matter.

12th October 2017
Synthetic organs, nanobots and DNA ‘scissors’: the future of medicine

Nanobots that patrol our bodies, killer immune cells hunting and destroying cancer cells, biological scissors that cut out defective genes: these are just some of technologies that Cambridge researchers are developing which are set to revolutionise medicine in the future. In a new film to coincide with the recent launch of the Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences, researchers discuss some of the most exciting developments in medical res...

Test & Measurement
28th September 2017
Type 2 diabetes can be managed online

People with type 2 diabetes could improve their health by using a new web-based self-management tool, according to new research. The results, published in BMJ Open, and funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), come from the first UK-based trial of its kind and show that patients using the HeLP-Diabetes programme have better diabetes control after 12 months. “Diabetes is an NHS priority, with around 4 million pe...

13th September 2017
Diagnostic test will help eradicate African sleeping sickness

  A new diagnostic test developed from research at the Universities of Cambridge and Dundee has been launched with the aim of helping eliminate the disease known as African sleeping sickness.

11th September 2017
Defects in solar cells can be healed with light

  Researchers have shown that defects in the molecular structure of perovskites – a material which could revolutionise the solar cell industry – can be “healed” by exposing it to light and just the right amount of humidity.

24th July 2017
Collaborations aim to tackle global food security

Two major research collaborations led by the University of Cambridge have been awarded almost £15 million in funding, the Minister of State for Universities and Science, Jo Johnson MP, has announced during a visit to Cambridge’s Sainsbury Laboratory. The two collaborations are focused on food security in India and public health in Bangladesh and will see researchers from the UK and developing countries working together as equal p...

19th July 2017
Non-toxic alternative leads to next-gen solar cells

The team of researchers, from the University of Cambridge and the United States, have used theoretical and experimental methods to show how bismuth – the so-called “green element” which sits next to lead on the periodic table, could be used in low-cost solar cells. Their results, reported in the journal Advanced Materials, suggest that solar cells incorporating bismuth can replicate the properties that enable the exceptional pro...

Component Management
11th July 2017
Green method for making artificial spider silk

A team of architects and chemists from the University of Cambridge has designed super-stretchy and strong fibres which are almost entirely composed of water, and could be used to make textiles, sensors and other materials. The fibres, which resemble miniature bungee cords as they can absorb large amounts of energy, are sustainable, non-toxic and can be made at room temperature.

4th July 2017
Artificial bile ducts developed in lab

Cambridge scientists have developed a new method for growing and transplanting artificial bile ducts that could in future be used to help treat liver disease in children, reducing the need for liver transplantation. In research published in the journal Nature Medicine, the researchers grew 3D cellular structure which, once transplanted into mice, developed into normal, functioning bile ducts.

13th March 2017
Visualising the genome with 3D structures

Scientists have determined the first 3D structures of intact mammalian genomes from individual cells, showing how the DNA from all the chromosomes intricately folds to fit together inside the cell nuclei. Researchers from the University of Cambridge and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology used a combination of imaging and up to 100,000 measurements of where different parts of the DNA are close to each other to examine the genome in a mou...

Component Management
25th November 2016
Environmentally-friendly graphene textiles enable wearables

A method for producing conductive cotton fabrics using graphene-based inks opens up new possibilities for flexible and wearable electronics, without the use of expensive and toxic processing steps. Wearable, textiles-based electronics present new possibilities for flexible circuits, healthcare and environment monitoring, energy conversion, and many others.

15th November 2016
Smallest magnifying glass shows chemical bonds between atoms

For centuries, scientists believed that light, like all waves, couldn't be focused down smaller than its wavelength, just under a millionth of a metre. Now, researchers led by the University of Cambridge have created the world's smallest magnifying glass, which focuses light a billion times more tightly, down to the scale of single atoms. In collaboration with colleagues from Spain, the team used highly conductive gold nanoparticles to make ...

26th October 2016
Next-gen smartphone battery inspired by the gut

  Researchers have developed a prototype of a next-gen lithium-sulphur battery which takes its inspiration in part from the cells lining the human intestine. The batteries, if commercially developed, would have five times the energy density of the lithium-ion batteries used in smartphones and other electronics.

24th October 2016
Ultralow power transistors could function without battery

A newly-developed form of transistor opens up a range of new electronic applications including wearable or implantable devices by drastically reducing the amount of power used. Devices based on this type of ultralow power transistor, developed by engineers at the University of Cambridge, could function for months or even years without a battery by 'scavenging' energy from their environment.

9th August 2016
Liquid light switch could enable more powerful electronics

Researchers have built a miniature electro-optical switch which can change the spin—or angular momentum—of a liquid form of light by applying electric fields to a semiconductor device a millionth of a metre in size. Their results, reported in the journal Nature Materials, demonstrate how to bridge the gap between light and electricity, which could enable the development of ever faster and smaller electronics.

25th July 2016
Bulk superconductor achieves magnetic field record

Dr Mark Ainslie of the Bulk Superconductivity Group, in conjunction with a Japanese research team, has achieved a bulk superconductor magnetic field record. The record-high trapped magnetic field of 1.1 T at 13 K in a magnesium diboride (MgB2) bulk superconductor using a practical, pulsed-field magnetisation technique comes on the heels of the Bulk Superconductivity Group's previous 2014 world record result, where 17.6 T was achieved in a st...

1st July 2016
Artificial pancreas to become available by 2018

The artificial pancreas - a device which monitors blood glucose in patients with type 1 diabetes and then automatically adjusts levels of insulin entering the body - is likely to be available by 2018, conclude authors of a paper in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes). Issues such as speed of action of the forms of insulin used, reliability, convenience and accuracy of glucose monitors plus cybersecurit...

25th June 2016
Cambridge Uni team publishes research to improve elderly living

A team of post-graduate students from the University of Cambridge has published research with the potential to transform the lives of millions of older people around the world. The team has made a genuine contribution to society, an experience that will stay with them for the rest of their careers.

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