Test & Measurement

EuMW 2019: Wizard ready to perform VNA magic in Paris

24th September 2019
Mick Elliott

Ready to be unveiled at European Microwave Week in Paris (October 1-3), Pico Technology has unveiled a new PicoVNA Interface Wizard, which adds significant functionality and value to the company’s low-cost, high-performance vector network analyser (VNA).

The PicoVNA Interface Wizard links the vector network analyser to the NI AWR Design Environment.

It supports the entire design cycle with import of real-world component, system or subsystem measurements from the PicoVNA in a single-click transfer.

Key features include control and viewing of PicoVNA output from inside the design environment and one-click measurement transfer to electronic design automation (EDA) software.

It enables fast, convenient comparison of ideal, modelled and measured component through to subsystem data between test and simulation environments and extension of measured data (300kHz to 6GHz) for passive component simulation at DC.

Pico Technology says the Interface Wizard brings down the costs of microwave network measurements and enables the completion of an entire design cycle in the classroom, due to the more affordable PicoVNA 106, 6GHz, full-function, professional-grade vector network analyser which supports the exporting of EDA-ready measurement data.

Also available is the Pico Technology Network Metrology Test Kit.

This is a potentially low-cost-per-student kit which includes active and passive circuit elements and all the low-cost calibration standards and test leads that are needed to partner the PicoVNA 106 in classroom microwave network measurement.

The printed-circuit board (PCB)-hosted kit was designed using NI AWR software, specifically the Microwave Office circuit simulator.

Device under test (DUT) elements can be modified by students and the kit is supplied with the associated EDA project design file for immediate engagement with any of the available circuit elements at any point in the design cycle. Either coupled to EDA software such as NI AWR software or used standalone with the PicoVNA 106, this teaching accessory supports teaching objectives around reflection and transmission measurements, S-parameters and standard linear network measurement quantities.

These can be presented and interpreted as log, linear, phase, real, imaginary, polar and Smith charts, with derived quantities such as group delay and time-domain transmission and reflection.

Additionally, by including an active broadband amplifier element, nonlinear compression measurements such as P1dB and AM to PM phase due to amplitude modulation can be explored using the PicoVNA 106 built-in measurement utilities.

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