Small 12-bit analogue-to-digital converter brings I2C interface
The ADS7128 from Texas Instruments is an easy-to-use, eight-channel, multiplexed, 12-bit, successive approximation register analogue-to-digital converter (SAR ADC). The eight channels can be independently configured as either analogue inputs, digital inputs, or digital outputs. The device has an internal oscillator for ADC conversion processes.
The ADS7128 communicates via an I2C-compatible interface and operates in either autonomous or single-shot conversion mode. The ADS7128 implements analogue watchdog function by event-triggered interrupts per channel using a digital window comparator with programmable high and low thresholds, hysteresis, and an event counter. The ADS7128 has a built-in cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for data read/write operations and the power-up configuration.
The ADS7128 features a root-mean-square (RMS) module that computes a 16-bit true RMS result for any analogue input channel. The integrated zero-crossing-detect (ZCD) module allows for transient rejection and hysteresis near the configurable threshold crossings.
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