
Wire grid polarisers available on CaF2 and ZnSe substrates

25th March 2019
Alex Lynn

Wire grid polarisers can be used in order to polarise radiation from an unpolarised source, or to attenuate a polarised source, commonly found in FT-IR spectrophotometers and in the study of crystal structures and metal surfaces.

LASER COMPONENTS offers ruled wire grid polarisers on both CaF2 and ZnSe substrates, which together cover a wavelength range of 2.5 to 20μm. The ruling process produces well defined peaks that are deposited with aluminium, forming an array of parallel ‘wires’.

Ruled polarisers are well suited to relatively high-power laser applications. In addition, holographic wire grid polarisers are offered on ZnSe, CaF2, BaF2, KRS-5 and Ge, collectively covering a wavelength range of 2.5 to 30μm. These parts are produced using a proprietary holographic technique, allowing for the production of a precise pattern of equally spaced grooves with nanometre precision.

The holographic technique is suitable for a wide range of infra-red materials which do not lend themselves to the ruling process. They are available with a spacing of 2700 grooves per mm, optimised for short-wavelength efficiency.

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