
Laser razor uses no water & does not irritate skin

30th September 2015
Jordan Mulcare

The Skarp Razor is a razor powered by a small laser which cuts through hair, leaving a close clean shave. The razor will not leave any scratches, razor burns, itchiness or infection. There will also be no accidental cutting or irritation. The razor leaves an effortless smooth stroke with no painful waxing or messy depilatory creams.

The razor does not require expensive catridges replacements and little to no water usage. The laser razor is also environmentally friendly. 2bn razors are thrown away each year in the US and are left in land fills and gabage dumps. The razor works by using wavelengths of light which had already been discovered to be able to cut dark hair. The wavelength doesn't emit UV.

The laser has a life of 50,000 hours and uses a single AAA battery which will last about a month depending on use. The laser is low power and eye safe. The Skarp Razor is the world's first laser razor.

Update, 13/10/2015: Kickstarter has suspended the fundraising page for this project, due to the fact that Skarp broke the rules because a working prototype doesn't exist.

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