
Optimization Of A Reflector Antenna System Whitepaper

26th April 2013
ES Admin
System Assembly and Modeling (SAM) is a leap forward for complex system simulations and optimizations. CST released a white paper titled 'Optimization of a Reflector Antenna System' to show how SAM can be used to automatically leverage the already existing simulation functionalities. The piecewise manner in which SAM operates is illustrated in the optimization of a reflector antenna, demonstrating the speed up in simulation time and the minimal requirement for computational resources when using a modular approach.
In this paper a modular approach using the so-called System Assembly and Modeling of CST STUDIO SUITE is used to optimize a reflector antenna system in a piecewise manner. The results are compared to a full system simulation. It is shown that a similar accuracy to that of the full system simulation can be attained with the modular approach with a much shorter simulation time and using less computational resources.

Today increasingly complex systems can be simulated with 3D electromagnetic solver technology, especially given the recent improvements in software and hardware. The problem is that these models can be quite large and cumbersome to deal with. Systems typically consist of several components, which are designed and optimized separately before being combined to form a system. Depending on the structure and physical operating mechanism of the device, certain numerical methods or solvers, combined with a suitable meshing strategy, might lead you to an accurate answer more quickly than others. Thus the possibility to easily change solver technologies or even compare them for the same design is an advantage.

Simulation complexity also depends on the design stage: Are you currently doing component design, studying component interaction, or optimizing the complete system? This affects the model size and the resources that are required to successfully run the simulation.

Download the full Whitepaper below.

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