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A positive sign for the electronics industry

30th July 2020
Lanna Deamer

With electronica, being held from 10th-13th November, 2020, Messe München is sending a positive signal for the electronics industry. Due to the continuing travel restrictions in several countries, electronica is extending its program this year. Alongside a compact trade fair concept that includes all the topics covered by electronica, the event will be complemented by digital offerings.

Falk Senger, Managing Director of Messe München, looks with confidence to the coming fall thanks to the adapted concept: “We are delighted that electronica can take place. Even though we are reducing the total exhibition area, we are offering exhibitors the opportunity with this format to present themselves to the global market both in the halls and digitally. At the same time, visitors can attend electronica as usual in Munich or take part virtually in the event worldwide.”

The additional offerings include digital trade fair stands and conference broadcasts. That way, customers can also find out about trends in the automotive, embedded, IIoT, 5G, medical electronics and smart energy fields even if they are unable to be in Munich in person.

As it already did in 2018, SEMICON Europa will be complementing the electronica trade fair programme with solutions from the field of semiconductor production.

Digitally expanded electronica format - approval from the industry

Exhibitors welcome the expansion of the trade fair concept to include digital offerings. Kurt Sievers, CEO NXP Semiconductors and Chairman of the Advisory Board of electronica, emphasised: "electronica is indispensable as a meeting place for the industry. It is important for us as exhibitors to present our innovations and maintain intensive dialog with our customers, especially this year. In view of the current situation, the decision to digitise parts of the trade show offerings and thus to meet the special circumstances in an innovative manner is both right and important."

Christoph Stoppok, Head of Components, Mobility & Systems at the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI), explained how great the impact of COVID-19 has been on the electronics industry: “The coronavirus pandemic has led to a decline in revenues for a number of companies. That makes it all the more important for electronica to provide the industry with a platform this year, as usual, to generate renewed business momentum.”

The new membership survey conducted by the trade association shows that the coronavirus pandemic is having a tangible impact on companies’ bottom line. Revenues are expected to drop by an average of 14%.

Safety and hygiene concept for safe visit to electronica

Due to the current situation, special measures based on the rules in place for everyday life will be taken to ensure the protection and safety of everyone involved even in times of the coronavirus crisis.

“Together with the Bavarian State Government, we have developed a very convincing protection and hygiene concept that allows trade fairs to be held successfully even in these times and gives the industry the opportunity to meet again face to face,” Senger confirmed.


The site plan electronica 2020 can be found here.

Further details about electronica 2020 are available on the website.

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