
Emil Otto’s own ESD cleaning media

5th May 2023
Harry Fowle

Emil Otto has developed various products that can be used in electronics manufacturing for both the manual cleaning of work surfaces and the manual and mechanical cleaning of floors.

"Our new ESD cleaners have been specially developed for the cleaning of conductive surfaces and floors, especially for the ESD area. The new cleaning media contain effective cleaning systems, which are equipped with double efficiency. This means that dusty or dirty surfaces and floors are thoroughly cleaned and at the same time the ESD properties of the surfaces are positively influenced by the additional effect of the antistatic formulation," Markus Geßner, Marketing and Sales Manager of Emil Otto GmbH, explains the new products for the ESD sector.

"The surface cleaner EO-RA-ESD/01 flawlessly removes grease and lubricant films or other stubborn contaminations that can occur in a production", Geßner explains further. The compatibility of EO-RA-ESD/01 with common plastics is good. The cleaner is gentle on sensitive plastic surfaces, which means that EO-RA-ESD/01 covers a wide range of applications. The new cleaning product can also be used on coated or painted surfaces. For easy application, the EO-RA-ESD/01 is offered in a 1-litre spray bottle. For refilling, the cleaner can also be purchased in 5 to 30-litre canisters.

The second new ESD cleaner is a concentrate that has been specially developed for daily use in damp mopping floors, whether this be via manual or automation cleaners. EO-RA-ESD/02 can be used for manual cleaning as well as for mechanical use on conductive floors, making it applicable to an array of different setups. The cleaning effect of EO-RA-ESD/02 is just as good as of EO-RA-ESD/01. The compatibility with common floor coverings such as PVC, linoleum, artificial, and natural stone is good so that the cleaner can also be used outside electronics production. The ESD floor cleaner is very economical, 5-20ml per 1 litre is sufficient. With the appropriate dosage, costs can be saved and the environment can be relieved.

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