
eSOL joins SOAFEE to improve software development for vehicles

14th March 2023
Harry Fowle

eSOL has announced that it has joined the SOAFEE (Scalable Open Architecture for Embedded Edge) special interest group (SIG).

SOAFEE is an industry-led collaboration defined by automakers, semiconductor suppliers, Cloud technology leaders, and open-source and independent software vendors. SOAFEE governing body members include well-known companies like Arm, AWS, Bosch, Cariad, Continental, Red Hat, Suse, and Woven Planet. At the time of writing, 68 companies are members of SOAFEE.

As one of SOAFEE’s key partners, eSOL will help the SIG in its quest to deliver a Cloud-native architecture developed specifically for mixed-critical automotive applications. The architecture will be based on open-source software to encompass commercial and non-commercial offerings, and eSOL’s role will be to define a common platform for future OEM software architectures for Software-Defined Vehicles (SDV).

As a long-term supporter and developer of open standards for the automotive industry, such as ROS, AUTOSAR, and Autoware, eSOL will work to ensure functional safety is a primary consideration within the SOAFEE SIG, making a safe framework for autonomous driving available for all OEMs. The company’s functional safety solutions are based on open-source commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, the high-performance and scalable eMCOS manycore real-time operating system (RTOS), and the eMCOS software development kit (eMCOS SDK).

The core element of eMCOS has been pre-certified by SGS-TÜV Saar GmbH according to the standards for functional safety in the automotive sector (ISO 26262), while the RTOS has been designed as an operating system component of a concrete COTS, one-stop AUTOSAR solution. eSOL has been contributing to the definition of next-generation automotive standards as an AUTOSAR Premium Partner since 2016.

Masaki Gondo, CTO, Senior Executive Vice President, and Head of the Software Division at eSOL, says: "Working with the SOAFEE SIG, the goal is to create an open-source software framework standard relating to Cloud-native software development for the next generation of automotive and mixed critical applications. Based on our many years of experience in the area of functional safety automotive software, we are very excited to be working on a complete software platform that will finally enable the development of safe and secure software-defined vehicles for OEMs.”

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