Eco Innovation

Duo open up energy harvesting opportunities

24th April 2023
Mick Elliott

RS Group has collaborated with Witt Energy to develop an innovative energy harvesting device as part of ‘Earth Week’, leading up to ‘Earth Day’ on April 22.

WITT Energy is a start-up company that has developed an award-winning device that harvests otherwise untapped motion and turns it into usable power.

The WITT device – which takes its name from ‘Whatever Input to Torsion Transfer’ – essentially accesses the six degrees of motion and turns that energy into electrical power to charge batteries. The concept can be particularly useful in harsh marine environments, where the WITT device can harness power from current, wind and waves and provide persistent power for remote applications.

The partnership with RS is multi-layered and involves a blend of business support, product sourcing, community action and training. The project is being led by RS’ ‘Innovation team’ – in conjunction with RS’ DesignSpark team, which has been in contact with WITT over many years – to help realise the development of the product and supply components that enable the product to reach the market.

The device is still in its testing phase but has recently passed trials in open water and been confirmed as fit for purpose. The next step is to move it out of the prototype stage and toward many different applications around the globe. To this end, WITT is currently involved in discussions and testing with many governments and energy and water authorities across the world, as well as several multinational companies.

“We are very proud to reveal our cooperation with WITT Energy, and especially so during Earth Week, which should be a globally shared moment to recognise that we need to act to change our world and make a more sustainable future,” said Mike Bray, Vice President of Innovation and DesignSpark at RS. “RS has many ongoing programmes to help achieve this change, and the highly innovative WITT product is just one example of our Activist Engineering programme, which is designed to help engineers develop sustainable solutions and bring them to market.”

“RS is a fantastic partner for the development of our product, in terms of component sourcing and its expertise and knowhow to help us bring our technology to market,” said Tim Williams, Chief Executive at WITT Energy. “Working with RS, our highly experienced engineering team is totally dedicated to getting the WITT unit deployed in many diverse marine energy-harvesting applications for the betterment of our environment.”

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