Search results for "Chalmers University "
Competitive EU computer manufacturing industry
New technology fromChalmers University of Technologyand the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, is helping the EU establish its own competitive computer manufacturing industry.
Advanced artificial touch for brain-controlled bionic hand
For the first time ever, a complex sense of touch for individuals living with spinal cord injuries is a step closer to reality.
Record cold quantum refrigerator paves way for quantum
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Maryland have engineered a new type of quantum refrigerator.
Faster space communication with record-sensitive receiver
In space exploration, long-distance optical links can now be used to transmit images, films, and data from space probes to Earth using light. But in order for the signals to reach all the way and not be disturbed along the way, hypersensitive receivers and noise-free amplifiers are required.
Unique nanodisk pushing photonic research forward
Researchers atChalmers Universityof Technology, in Sweden, have for the first time succeeded in combining two major research fields in photonics by creating a nanoobject with unique optical qualities.
World’s strongest battery paves way for light, energy-efficient vehicles
When cars, planes, ships, or computers are built from a material that functions as both abatteryand a load-bearing structure, the weight and energy consumption are radically reduced.
Hydrogen flight looks ready for take-off with new advances
New studies from Chalmers University of Technology, in Sweden, show that almost all air travel within a 750-mile radius (1200 km) could be made with hydrogen-powered aircraft by 2045, and with a novel heat exchanger currently in development, this range could be even further.
Breakthrough may clear major hurdle for quantum computers
The potential of quantum computers is currently hindered by a significant trade-off. Quantum systems capable of performing complex operations tend to be less tolerant to errors and noise, while those more resistant to noise are harder and slower to compute with.
PCBWay progresses in automotive millimetre-wave radar research
Millimetre-wave technology, as an extension of microwave technology and an advancement of optical technology, effectively combines the advantages of electronics and photonics.
AI-controlled stations can charge electric cars at a personal price
As more people drive electric cars, congestion and queues can occur when many need to charge simultaneously. A new study from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden shows how AI-controlled charging stations, through smart algorithms, can offer electric vehicle users personalised prices, minimising both price and waiting time for customers.