Test & Measurement
Enhanced RF EMC Test Software Features Latest Test Requirements
Teseq, the advanced EMC test solutions supplier (formerly Schaffner Test Systems), announce the availability of the latest enhancements to their market leading “Compliance 3” EMC test software. Teseq first launched their innovative test software in 2000 and the package is under continual development. Continuous improvement is driven by the requirements of ever changing standards, customer feedback and Teseq’s quest to ensure Compliance 3 c...
Dual Time Base Mode for PCI Waveform Digitizers from Strategic Test
Strategic Test has introduced a new dual time base option for its line of UltraFast Oscilloscope/Digitizer PCI cards. Called the ABA Mode, this allows the cards to be configured for slow continuous recording, similar to a data logger, switch to high-speed sampling on detection of the trigger event, and then return to slow recording until the next trigger event.
Strategic Test Enables up to 270 Oscilloscope PCI cards to be synchronized across multiple PC’s
Strategic Test has introduced the System Star Hub option for the UltraFast Oscilloscope/Digitizer, AWG and Digital I/O and Digital Pattern Generator PCI cards. For the first time, this allows up to 270 cards installed in multiple PC’s to be synchronized allowing systems with up to 4336 analog channels or 8672 digital channels.
Microwave power meter uses SMART sensor technology for multiple measurements
The Rohde & Schwarz NRP family of microwave power meters, covering power measurements from 200 pW to 200 mW at frequencies up to 18 GHz, are now available in the UK from TTi (Thurlby Thandar Instruments).
Add-on Modules Boost RF Output of Signal Forge 1000 Signal Generators to 2.6 GHz
Signal Forge today released two add-on modules that increase the RF output of the Signal Forge 1000 signal generator to 2.6 GHz. The 2500M Frequency Expansion module provides an RF output in the frequency range of 1.5 GHz to 2.6 GHz and the 1800M provides an RF output in the 1.0 GHz to 1.8 GHz band. The devices extent the 1 GHz output frequency of the Signal Forge 1000 (SF1000) Signal Generator. The modules attach to and are controlled by the SF1...
Spectrum analyzers offer digital demodulation for wireless network analysis
Ideal for wireless design, research and development and production test engineers, the Aeroflex 3280 Series spectrum analyzers now offers digital demodulation for the analysis of 802.11a, b and g wireless networks. Digital demodulation in the 3280 Series spectrum analyzers allows engineers to analyse the transmitter characteristics of a wireless device.
Oscilloscope, AWG and fast Digital I/O cards stream to hard disks at 200 MBytes/s
Strategic Test has just published an Application Note that describes how to optimize the configuration of a host PC to obtain the fastest streaming to or from hard disks when using Digitizer or Arbitrary Waveform Generator PCI cards. Continous gap-free streaming of up to 200 MBytes per second is possible using COTS motherboards, RAID controller and fast S-ATA hard disks.
Rohde & Schwarz extends TTi distribution agreement
Leading RF test & measurement supplier Rohde & Schwarz has strengthened its UK support and distribution channels by appointing TTi (Thurlby Thandar Instruments) as a distributor for its range of handheld spectrum analysers and RF power meters. TTi had previously been handling the Rohde & Schwarz SMART series of general-purpose instruments.
Windows Vista drivers for Oscilloscope, AWG and fast Digital I/O cards
Strategic Test Corporation has announced Windows Vista 64-bit and 32-bit drivers for their range of Digitizer, AWG, fast Digital I/O and Digital Pattern Generator cards. The drivers are compatible with all of the 150 PCI, PXI and CompactPCI cards in the UltraFast series. The Windows Vista drivers are supplied at no cost and can be downloaded by existing customers from the company website. The same simple programming concept found in the other W...
Handbook on Nanotechnology Measurement
Keithley Instruments has announced the availability of its Nanotechnology Measurement Handbook, a 124-page guide to electrical measurements for nanoscience applications. The handbook offers practical assistance in making precision low level DC and pulse measurements on nanomaterials and devices and provides an overview of the theoretical and practical considerations involved in measuring low currents, high resistances, low voltages, and low re...