Meeting today’s design requirements, regardless of experience
Many of today’s electronic systems involve multiple circuit boards. Furthermore, many of these systems use multiple interfaces of different types - like I2C, I2S, and GPIO - to collect data from peripherals and sensors and to communicate this data between boards.
SoM "harnesses disruptive potential of RISC-V"
Sundance has launched PolarBerry, the first production and deployment-ready SoM with a hardened 64 bit, multicore real-time, Linux-capable RISC-V MPU subsystem.
SoC module shortens time to market
The Mercury XU5 SoC module from Enclustra is a powerful and cost-effective all-rounder.
Marvin Test Solutions adds GX3756 to PXI FPGA line
Marvin Test Solutions has announced the release of the new GX3756 Series Digital I/O Instrument. The FPGA-based GX3756 delivers 56 channels of TTL logic compatible I/O, segmented into fourteen, four channel groups, in a high-performance 3U PXI hybrid slot compatible instrument.
Molex’s BittWare adds open compute M.2 accelerator
BittWare, a Molex company, has announced the launch of the 250-M2D Accelerator Module. This FPGA-based Computational Storage Processor (CSP) was designed to meet the new Open Compute M.2 Accelerator Module standard intended to operate in Glacier Point carrier cards for Yosemite servers.
GX3748 series 48-channel user-programmable PXI FPGAs
Marvin Test Solutions has announced the release of the new GX3748 Series 48-Channel Threshold Comparator Card. The GX3748 combines 48 voltage comparator channels with windowing and precision level detection, to deliver event monitoring and control solution.
Reinventing the low power, general-purpose FPGAs
Lattice Semiconductor Corporation has launched its new Lattice Certus-NX family of general-purpose FPGAs. The FPGAs target a range of applications, from data processing in automated industrial equipment to system management in communications infrastructure. The Certus-NX devices are the second family of FPGAs developed on the Lattice Nexus platform, and with the launch of Certus-NX, Lattice marks the release of the second device family developed ...
FPGA-enhanced module is programmable with Arduino
Alorium's Evo M51 is an FPGA-enhanced embedded module featuring the Microchip SAMD51 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 microcontroller alongside an Intel MAX 10 FPGA.
FPGAs for edge computing use digital full flow solution
Cadence Design Systems has announced that Efinix successfully utilised the Cadence digital full flow solution to complete the first wave of its Trion family of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), which are used in edge compute, AI/ML and vision processing applications for the mobile, industrial and surveillance markets.
3U VPX Zynq UltraScale+ FPGA from VadaTech
VadaTech has announced the VPX585. The VPX585 is a 3U VPX FPGA Carrier with single FMC+ (VITA-57.4) interface. The unit has an on-board, re-configurable FPGA which interfaces directly to the VPX P1 connector and all FMC+ LA/HA/HB pairs (the module does not support HSPCe connector).