
Focus EDL and Metalink to demonstrate WLANPlus at “The Wireless Event” in London – Demonstration delivers high-definition television (HDTV) over wireless LAN at wire line quality

3rd May 2006
ES Admin
Focus EDL and Metalink will be giving live demonstrations of the capability of its new WANPlus chipset at “The Wireless Event” at London’s Olympia on May 16 and 17. The demonstration will show, for the first time, advanced WiFi technology used to demonstrate the delivery of high-definition television over wireless LAN at wire line quality.
“If you have a professional interest in high-throughput wireless LAN technology as the foundation for a full-coverage entertainment network, then you must not miss this demonstration.” Says Geoff Philpot, Focus EDL’s Managing Director. “Metalink is the first to show chipset technology based on the emerging 802.11n standard which has unique capabilities for wireless multimedia distribution and if you see the demonstration, you will see how good it is” He adds.

Interested designers should contact Geoff Philpot – to arrange a demonstration at Olympia.

A combination of features enables Metalink's WLANPlus family to deliver multiple HDTV streams to any location within a radius of 100 feet, while maintaining full QoS performance. Innovative packet-aggregation techniques boost media access control (MAC) efficiency with double the effective throughput of other solutions. The inclusion of 2x3 real Multiple-In Multiple-Out (real MIMO) technology further improves throughput and QoS, and the use of sophisticated channel-bonding and antenna-loading techniques in the 5 GHz frequency band provide critical additional video-distribution performance.

Metalink's WLANPlus family consists of the MtW8170 baseband device and the MtW8150 radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC). WLANPlus has been developed in line with draft specifications for the future 802.11n high-speed Wi-Fi standard, which were unanimously approved by the 802.11n Task Group (TGn) in January 2006. Metalink continues to play a pivotal role in the standards finalization process, and is at the forefront of efforts to optimize 802.11n technology for demanding wireless video entertainment applications in such consumer electronics products as digital video recorders (DVRs), set-top boxes (STBs), high-definition televisions (HDTVs) and media adapters.

The WLANPlus chipset also includes a full implementation of an integrated lower and upper MAC, reducing dramatically the required processing power and memory allocation from the host application processor. This simplifies the integration with consumer electronics devices and reduces the total product cost. Additionally, Advanced Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) forward error-correction (FEC) coding significantly boosts coverage range and signal robustness as compared to previous approaches. The chipset also fully supports 802.11i security features and the 802.11e QoS standard, both of which are critical for high-priority voice and video services.

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